Roimata Claasen is now six months in her Master of Business Administration at Oxford University. Below we share an excerpt from her progress report to date:
“We are now halfway through the second block of Hilary term, which is proving to be the busiest to date. In addition to completing two individual papers – Capitalism in Debate and Strategies for Impact – we were also required to form teams to tackle two separate and significant projects.
The first project is part of GOTO (Global Opportunities and Threats: Oxford), a flagship course that aims to teach students how to map the systems which create and perpetuate “wicked problems” and identify leverage points for shifting the dial. My team is exploring job creation for young women in rural Rajasthan and has had the privilege of speaking to a diverse set of individuals currently making an impact in that space. The challenge of job creation in rural communities is something I am passionate about and I am sure this project will generate valuable insights and learnings that I can apply to my own rural community in time.”